Bees count from left to right just like some humans, apes and birds – new research
By looking at the behaviours of animals, we can sometimes learn more about ourselves. These two recent studies on bees show there is a complex interaction between ordering numbers and how spatial relationships are processed by an insect brain.
We now know that the preference to order numbers from left to right exists in several very different animal groups: insects, birds and apes. Perhaps evolution has landed on this preference as an advantageous way to process complex information.

Hydroclimate volatility on a warming Earth
By Daniel L. Swain, Andreas F. Prein, John T. Abatzoglou, Christine M. Albano, Manuela Brunner, Noah S. Diffenbaugh, Deepti Singh, Christopher B. Skinner & Danielle Touma

Why science needs the humanities to solve climate change
Many people view climate change as a scientific issue – a matter of physical, biological and technical systems. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s most recent assessment report, for example, is a vast compendium of climate science, threats and potential solutions…more in the article.

ECCE teacher meeting in action!
The Australian team met with teachers working with us to map out plans for 2025.

Enacting Climate Change Education’s team presenting at the 2024 Contemporary Approaches to Research in Mathematics, Science, Health and Environmental Education Symposium.

COP29 Teacher Guide is created in partnership with CFR Education and TAG. This guide offers a collection of engaging resources to help you bring the global climate conversation into your classroom.

The Australian Climate Change Education Summit is a jam-packed, online event – the culmination of 18 months of focussed work, gathering diverse voices and expertise to inform the development of a Climate Change Education Strategy for Australia. We are hosting a speaker series to share perspectives and generate ideas (see here).
On the 18th October 2024 from 11am – 4pm we will celebrate our Climate Change Education Action Plan.
Please join us, lending your voice to our collective call for action! Register here

Australian Climate Change Education Summit & Action Plan 2024 – Speaker Series #14 – Laura Billings, Parents for Climate and Geoff Holt, Teachers for Climate Australia
Monday 7 October, 2024 5.30pm- 6.30pm
The Australian Climate Change Education Summit and Action Plan project team invite you to join valuable conversations through our Speaker Series.

Gupta, J. et al. September 11, 2024
The health of the planet and its people are at risk. The deterioration of the global commons—ie, the natural systems that support life on Earth—is exacerbating energy, food, and water insecurity, and increasing the risk of disease, disaster, displacement, and conflict. In this Commission, we quantify safe and just Earth-system boundaries (ESBs) and assess minimum access to natural resources required for human dignity and to enable escape from poverty. Collectively, these describe a safe and just corridor that is essential to ensuring sustainable and resilient human and planetary health and thriving in the Anthropocene. We then discuss the need for translation of ESBs across scales to inform science-based targets for action by key actors (and the challenges in doing so), and conclude by identifying the system transformations necessary to bring about a safe and just future…read the article by clicking on the link above.

Climate change education through science education is what this project is all about. Congrats to all the research team for generating great change in this space.

In recent years, the climate emergency has sparked a global response from children and young people. The School Strikes for Climate movement is a prominent example.
Through this activism, children express their frustration at political systems that exclude their voices. This situation is particularly important because children will bear the brunt of future climate catastrophes.

Listen to Associate Professor Peta White’s interview with Raf Epstein on the ABC radio.
Provocations that focus on what to teach in schools regarding climate change (start at 1.14.53) – note the binary perspective from the denier.

Many Australians live in areas increasingly exposed to climate change and associated extreme weather such as floods, fires, coastal erosion, cyclones and extreme heat. If we wait for disasters to happen, hundreds of thousands of people could be forced to flee.

Enacting Climate Change Education’s international team presenting at the Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA) conference, 2024.

Collaboration meeting with the international team in the serene Dandenong ranges

Devastating coral bleaching will be more common, start earlier and last longer unless we cut emissions
Coral bleaching is becoming much more common as a result of increasingly severe and frequent marine heatwaves. Four global mass bleaching events have happened since 1998. Two of these were in the past decade.

Critical minerals: the quiet achievers gallium and germanium
While small in volume, Australia’s hidden treasures hold big potential for the global critical minerals market.

Australia has a long history of bushfires. The 2019-2020 Black Summer was the worst in recorded history. But was that the worst it could get?

A clock in the rocks : what cosmic rays tell us about Earth’s changing surface and climate
We are always looking out for interesting and useful articles. The Conversation produces great news media for use in classrooms. This one on bees provokes us to thing about biodiversity, and our perceptions.

Most bees don’t die after stinging – and other surprising bee facts.
We are always looking out for interesting and useful articles. The Conversation produces great news media for use in classrooms. This one on bees provokes us to thing about biodiversity, and our perceptions.

West Antarctica’s ice sheet was smaller thousands of years ago – here’s why this matters today
We are always looking out for interesting and useful articles. The Conversation produces great news media for use in classrooms. This one on Antarctica’s ice sheets is no exception!

ECCE Australian Teacher Workshop
16th April, 2024, Burwood Corporate Centre, Melbourne.
Enacting Climate Change Education’s Australian team held its first teacher workshop on 16th April 2024. An engaging and insightful session, with inspiring educators!

Cultural burning is better for Australian soils than prescribed burning, or no burning at all
The ECCE team are pleased to see this article published in the Conversation. Great research connecting with Indigenous knowledge holders and sharing insights for us all.

On a climate rollercoaster: how Australia’s environment fared in the world’s hottest year
The ECCE team are pleased to see this article published in the Conversation. Climate research, data, infographics, and score cards are excellent educational tools.

Hello teachers in Australia!
Our research team is working on developing teaching and learning materials to support Climate Change Education that represents contemporary research in classroom learning strategies.
We would love to hear your thoughts and experiences!
It’s just a short survey, thank you.

Social Media Post – 15th November 2023
Take the Enacting Climate Change Education – Teachers Survey https://researchsurveys.deakin.edu.au/jfe/form/SV_2aGFWw7KJAi2VDw

Social Media Post – 20th October 2023
Have you registered for STAVCON 2023? This year, Russell Tytler and Peta White will be presenting as the keynote speakers for the event! Register now at https://stav.org.au/professional-learning/stavcon-2023/

Social Media Post – 12th September 2023
LUMA: Warm welcome to all interested. Attached is information and registration: https://www.luma.fi/en/lumat-science-research-forum/events/

Social Media Post – 9th September 2023
Happy to share we had our first in-person, international team meeting at the ESERA Conference in Cappadocia, Turkey. A great experience planning together – watch this space for more updates #enactcced

Enacting Climate Change Education Logo Goes Live – 11th August, 2023
Our project logo is complete and has gone live on social media! #enactcced